I want to thank everyone for your comments, reviews, purchases, support for Free to Bloom. I’m still beating the pavement to get the word out. In the meantime I keep reading, so next post will be my reviews of others books. And writing, I’ll get back to that after the holidays. Peace and Love to everyone.
From Goodreads and Amazon:

I just now finished Jill Green’s Free To Bloom book, and I closed the book with a smile. I loved how Jill wrote the expierences in personal detail so you feel like you are with Dannielle through the up and downs of her romantic life, as well as her life adventures with new aquantiances or life long friends. Even though the expierences were not my own, I feel like in a few pages, Jill managed to give me a glimpse of Costa Rica life as a City girl or a Gringa. Thank you, Jill Green, for making me smile, and feeling inspired that no matter how old you are, where you are in life… You can change your lifestyle and expierence the best of life, if you just open yourself to it and embrace it! I would recommend this book to anyone who would want to read a strong female character’s life expierences through Costa Rica’s agricultural differences from America life, and experiencing right along with the challenges of her self independence and romantic adventures.
At 94 pages, this was a super fast and enjoyable read. Each short story exposes the main character’s life in short blips of time and covers a wide range of emotions- fear, anger, love, passion – and so many others. Despite being short stories, there is never a lack of action, imagery, or detail.
At times, I did find myself wishing that some of the stories were more connected with back story, if only to keep myself chronologically grounded.
Regardless, this was a wonderful read that left me smiling throughout much of it. Very good read.
Dec 13, 11
Read in April, 2011
Free To Bloom is a delightful book about a woman’s adventure in a remote area of Costa Rica. I found it easy to read and loved the descriptions of her tropical paradise as well as her depictions of some very interesting relationships and experiences.
5.0 out of 5 stars BW, November 12, 2011
BW –
This review is from: Free To Bloom (Kindle Edition)
Jill Green is cute, perky, bold and courageous. The perfect combination of attributes for a female to commute to Central America for excitement and adventure. In Free To Bloom, Green shares many of her main character’s most personal and intimate moments and openly confronts strong feelings and emotions many of us work hard to keep buried in our subconscious. Danielle, on the other hand, deals with them directly and moves on with her life. Perhaps that is the lesson we should take from the book. The author claims her writings are a work of fiction, but I will always wonder just how much is fiction and how much is real.