Free to Bloom Free on Kindle latest Statistics


It’s my first day that Free to Bloom is FREE on Amazon Kindle. I’m monitoring the statistics and my progress. I really had no expectations on the low end, but I also had read Cheryl Tardif’s book How I made $42K in 1 mo. on Kindle Select about all the money she made and had twinges of possible sales. That remains to be seen, but I’m thrilled so far.

Here are the first statistics:

  1. 150 books ordered free.
  2. #1607 Free in Kindle Store.
  3. #1 in Kindle Store Travel Adventure

Wow. Better than I ever expected. Now I’m monitoring more closely. Two hours later I can’t stay away from the computer. Second statistics:

  1. 200 books ordered free.
  2. #900 Free in Kindle Store
  3. Still #1 Kindle Store Travel Adventure

Moving right along. I’m smiling. At 7:30 this evening, still the first day and I have 2 more days to go:

  1. 255 books ordered free.
  2. #755 Free on Kindle
  3. #1 Kindle Store Personal Growth and Inspiration

This is fun. One of my goals as per Cheryl Tardif is getting on the top 100 Free on Kindle. Maybe there’s a chance. I’ll check in with you tomorrow. Wish me luck.


50th Class Reunion Made Me Do It – Generate My Bucket List

Benny Walton, Carol Krempel, Jim Lash, Jill Green, Beth Johnson
50th Committee - Ellen Collard, Carol Pearson, Ed Music

















My Venice High class of ’61 just celebrated  its 50th class reunion. Amazing! A few interesting statistics:

  1. There were 119 graduates. First class over 100.
  2. 13 have died. Not bad.
  3. 7 are missing. Not bad.
  4. 33 have been married once for 30-50 years. Wow. That’s got to be a record. Hope they’re happy.
  5. 9 are divorced now. Hope they’re happy.
  6. 6 are widows. No widowers.
  7. 40 classmates attended. Not counting mates. One third.
  8. 35 classmates still live in the area.

Everyone in attendance was stunned at how quickly the years passed and how we all feel the same inside. As you can see by the statistics we’re a very cohesive group and honor our Florida roots. The Venice area was a wonderful, beautiful and unspoiled place to grow up. Continuing health and happiness to us all.

Georgia and David Ross - Committee

While attending the reunion I reconnected with several classmates I hardly knew in high school. Too bad for me. Thank goodness we change and grow, and I’m still alive. Benny Walton was one of them. While catching up we found that both of us had written books. Benny’s will be published by the end of the year. It is part of his “Bucket List”, which I’m hoping he’ll categorize here.

Leo and Gigi Morrell - Committee







Though I don’t have much to regret in my life, I hope I still have lots of room for accomplishing more on my Bucket List. So here goes:

  1. Writing a memoir of my life including bringing up a deaf child.
  2. Expanding my consciousness.
  3. Traveling to Europe to reconnect with my past and experience the grand history there – including France, Italy, Spain, Poland.
  4. Relearning French and improving Spanish.
  5. Taking my children and grandchildren on trips of their choice.
  6. Continuing to volunteer worldwide.
  7. Although we all must deal with pain and sorrow, being as content and positive as possible.

I challenge anyone reading this to compile his/her own Bucket LIst and post it here. Let’s see what the future holds.