I just got tagged by Sue Ann Bowling to tell 10 random facts about myself, tag 3 other people and link to their sites.
To preface the assignment, I have been trying hard to publicize my newly published book Free To Bloom about the adventures of a single woman learning to live alone in Costa Rica and around the world. While visiting She Writes, a very helpful and interesting site for women writers, I encountered a group called WordPress Bloggers and finally left a comment listing my blog. Lo and behold, I got tagged. I just haven’t got into the habit of PR: surfing sites, dropping comments, linking to others. It’s hard, maybe harder than writing the damn book. Now, according to Sue Ann this is going geometric. Watch out everyone. Here we go.
You’re It:
- Stepping Into The Water – a socially relevant and inspiring blog and book by my good friend Marisa, member of my writing group, and author of the book The Sharkman of Cortez.
- In The Company of Gentle Heroes – my wonderful friend Sue who has written a memoir of her life as a miiltary wife and just started her blog..
- M C Coolidge Reality On Line – a fellow writer, lively journalist in the Sarasota, FL area and author of the book Sideways in Sarasota, who will join me next Tues. Sept. 20 at Bookstore1Sarasota for a gathering and book signing for local self-published authors.
Ten Random Facts about Jill:

- Became a Hippie during the 70’s, sold everything to travel and live in a van with husband, kids and dogs with the ulterior motive of finding the best oral school for my deaf son.
- Taking full advantage of his disabilities, my son has become a psychic and my internet guru, making it possible for me to understand enough of the intricacies of an online world to publish an ebook.
- Thanks to my adventurous daughter whom I have followed all over the world, I now have a home in Costa Rica, the catalyst of my personal transformation.
- Need to be close to bodies of water–whether riding the surf, kayaking the rivers or jumping from waterfalls.
- Teaching is a part of my life– first with my son, then high school science, English as a 2nd language and continues as a volunteer.
- One of my best life experiences was volunteering in Africa and joining a safari.
- Champion saving the environment and its people– from bringing water and sanitation to the poor, shopping at thrift stores, cleaning up the beaches.
- Love to dance.
- Love my kids but realize that grandkids are way more fun. Without the responsibility of their upbringing I become the old lady scientist and bedtime story-teller.
- Reading is a joy and necessity. It brought me to writing and ultimately to publishing my book Free To Bloom.

Please pass this exercise on. It really made my think about my life past, present and future.