I’m returning to the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica for the Rain Forest Aid 2009 concert June 19 – 21. The festival aims to raise $2 million for rain forest awareness, protection and regeneration and potentially fund a sustainable landfill for the Osa Peninsula in the next five years. That’s a massive goal, but whatever they reach will help save one of the world’s most biodiverse areas, which includes Corcovado National Park. For more information go to the website http://rainforestaid09.com.
Ten years ago two friends and I traveled down to the Osa for one of the most disastrous vacations I’ve ever had. For the ten year anniversary I have edited an almost memoir, The Last Resort, I wrote to commemorate that event and am posting it here. I will also be blogging about the concert. Check in. Send me information you’d like to share. Have fun! Dance. Listen. Learn from the indigenous people. Buy handcrafted items. Help save our environment.
Wow, Jill, so you’re on the Osa Peninsula as I write this. I remember well the story, “The Last Resort” in writer’s group–a rousing adventure, for sure. Can’t wait until you get here in July. I need you! Love you, Marita 🙂
Thanks Marita. Can’t wait to see you and talk. Think I should poke Ravenous Romance? Haven’t heard a thing about my submission. Love ya, Jill